Sprinkles For Your Spirit

It’s cold outside and the weather men are predicting 5-8 inches of snow for today. The snow is coming down and so far we have about 6 inches! There is a saying in Colorado…if you don’t like the weather, give it a second and it will change!

I am so ready for spring. And after having a few days last week of being in the 70’s, it’s hard to transition back to snow and cold. It brings me back to last Thursday….

Last Thursday was a great day. It was warm and sunny, just beautiful. I decided to take Sebastian for a walk. After we returned, we stayed outdoors and played in the back yard. It was so nice out that I thought it would be a good idea to give the lawn an early watering. So I pulled out the hose and sprinkler and turned the water on. As soon as I did, Sebastian took notice.

At first, he just went over and touched the edge of the sprinklers stream. Whoa! That was fun. Little by little he got closer and closer until…well just take a look!

As you can tell, he got a just a little wet! Or maybe I should rephrase that…he got soaked!

ls it obvious that he was having a blast!?

On this Thankful (Cold ) Thursday I thankful for warm sunny days and the wonderful memories that come with them. Reflecting back on last Thursday, I remember how much I enjoyed watching Sebastian experience the simple fun of running threw the sprinklers. Simplicity at it’s best. It was a time to stop and cherish the moment.

Yes, I know that this day isn’t the only sunny warm day we will get to experience. I realize that summer will soon be upon us and there will be more fun days ahead. But with that, I also know that I will never get this day back.

Sebastian is growing and changing and so am I. Which makes it all that more important to make sure that I am living in the moment. I want to be present so life doesn’t pass me by and all I have is pictures and no memories. While I was watching him laugh and play in the water that day, I told myself to enjoy this moment and burn it into my memory. I know that with parenting, not every moment can be so blissful. But times like these make being a parent a joy, or might I even add a wet wonderful treat.

So be thankful for the moment you are in. Be present in your life. Don’t let it pass you by, you only get today once. Live it!

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