Spring Cleaning Challenge Day 14: Time To Clean the Closets

Spring is a great time to clean out those closets.
Lets pack away those cozy winter sweaters and pull out the summer tank tops.
Today’s challenge is going to give you plenty of easy step-by-step tips
to “Spring-ify” your closet in no time!

Besides switching out your clothes for the changing seasons,
this is also a great time to re-evaluate your clothes and retire some outfits
that you no longer like, don’t fit right, or you just never wear. 

First Step: Decide what stays and what needs to go.
There are several ways to do this:
Sort all your clothes into piles (stay, donate, trash)
Turn all your hangers backwards, then after you have worn an item hang it correctly–in a months time clothes that are still backwards go to donation

Hang up clothes you love and the rest go in an outbox, see if you miss any of the items in a month
BONUS TIP: arrange a clothing swap– invite friends over with clothes they are willing to swap, then everyone gets to pick out some “New-to-them” clothes for FREE 🙂

Second step: Put away winter clothes.
Make sure to empty pockets and you may want to clean some items before storing them.
Under the bed storage is a great place to keep these seasonal items.
Remember if you are storing wool to add a cedar block to repel moths or you may not like what you find come winter
Third step: Clean and store seasonal handbags. 

Clean your leather bags with some saddle soap
Stuff bags with acid-free tissue paper to maintain their shape
Store upright or lay flat on a shelf
Keep off season bags dust free by storing in a pillow case

Fourth Step: Clean, store and repair your shoes.

Clean winter shoes before storing
Brace your boot shafts with boot trees or rolled up magazines (yes, really!)
Check your summer shoes and make sure they are still wearable (as we all know, sandals wear out fast!)
Take any shoes in need of repairs to the cobbler
Fifth Step: Don’t forget to do some light cleaning.

Vacuum the floor-make sure to get into the corners
Dust the shelves
Wipe down the baseboards
Just remember: less dust near your clothes, less dust on your clothes

Nice Smelling Tip:
Keep things smelling fresh by leaving a bowl of dried lavender
 or a sweet smelling sachet in your closet. 🙂

If you try my cleaning tips, 
your closet will be clean, your clothes will be organized
and you will never struggle getting dressed in the morning again! Ever!
Ok…so maybe the last one is a stretch, but I think you will find your morning routine 
will be a little bit easier then before. Yea, I do! 🙂

 Got any great tips on keeping your closet clean?  
How do you store your seasonal clothes?

April Spring Cleaning Challenge

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