Six on Saturday: New Uses for Cinnamon

We all know that cinnamon is a wonderful spice that adds 
great flavor and aromas to our lives.
But did you know this sweet smelling cooking staple
can do more than make some awesome rolls?

Discover six new uses for cinnamon that will leave
you running to your spice rack!
1) Repel moths from your closets. Break four cinnamon sticks and combine with 1/2 cup of whole cloves and 1/2 cup whole black peppercorns. Then fill small squares of fabric with a tablespoon of this mixture, tie shut and hang in your closets. 

2) Control your garden pests. Sprinkle a mixture of cinnamon and cayenne on molehills to ward off unwanted visitors.

3) Beautify your complexion. Learn how a simple mask of honey and cinnamon can help alleviate acne. 

4) Make a sweet room spray. Combine a few drops of cinnamon essential oils with water in a spritz bottle. Lightly spray your room to remove odors. 

5) Help itchy feet. Got a bad case of athlete’s foot? Cinnamon’s powerful anti-fungal properties are a perfect natural alternative to killing foot fungus.

6) Fight E-coli in your kitchen. Mix cinnamon oil with hydrogen peroxide in a standard spray bottle, then spray your cutting board and kitchen sink. Cinnamon’s anti microbial properties will do all the work!

Do you know of any other new uses for cinnamon?

Linking Up At:
Between Naps on the Porch 


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