Road Trips, Graduations and Silly Times
Lots of family, two graduations and a new baby all rolled into a ball of fun.
I drove the whole trip. I know, who does that?
I was pooped by the time we got to our hotel.
I think that was the best night of sleep I have had since 1982. 🙂
Our reason for traveling to Oklahoma was because
my nephew, Micheal graduated from high school. Woo hoo!
It’s rather easy to find the graduate in this picture, don’t ya think? 😉
A nice added bonus on this trip
was that my niece had also just had a baby girl, Ryah.
She is just 3 months old and loves to sleep in your arms.
Melt. Your. Heart.
After a few days it was time to say our good-byes.
Back on the road we went.
And yes, I drove the whole time again.
(I think I got my fill of driving road trips for the year.)
The next day it was my son’s graduation from preschool.
All the little kids were so adorable. Although, I did favor one little boy. 😉
I can’t believe my baby will be starting Kindergarten in the fall.
Talk about a transition. Not for him, but for me!
The following day my mother returned home and that left my sister
hangin’ with us for a couple more days.
We did a few of days of shopping,
taking full advantage of our time together by
being silly and trying on
a few hats at Charming Charlies.
Can you believe the hats was my little man’s idea?
But I think he was right, yellow looks good on us!
My sister had to return home on Saturday.
After I dropped her off at the airport,
I came home and watched the season final of Grey’s Anatomy.
I can’t believe they killed little Grey! What were they thinking?
(Sorry, just had to get that one of my chest.)
I enjoyed some more selfish T.V. time and then it was time to pack again.
The next morning we jumped into our car and headed
to Estes Park for some R&R at the cabin.
I actually think little man loves the mountains most of all…
We are now back home all tucked in our beds,
well except for me obviously. 🙂
The bags are all unpacked.
The routines are starting once again.
Maybe life will start to be a little more normal again.
Naa…who wants normal?