Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial

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School starts next Tuesday!
(insert nervous scream)
I am sad to see summer go,
but I am excited for little man to start Kindergarten.
If you have kids, you know that mornings can be crazy hectic.
Mom, where are my pants? I don’t like that shirt. Silly, undies first, then pants. 🙂
But I have some good news!
I have created the perfect item to help reduce some craziness, 
save time while getting dressed
and teach little ones how to be more independent. 
 Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial

This kids closet organizer is perfect for keeping
all of little man’s clothes easily accessible for each day of the week.
We just decide on all the outfits on Sunday night,
place in the correct days cubby and now we are prepared for the school week,
The best part, little man can grab his clothes for the day all by himself!
The process to make one of these kids closet organizers is super simple.
I basically needed two things:
 Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial-Supplies
My sweater organizer had 8 cubbies, 
so I cut off the last three.
Yep…that’s how I roll! 🙂
Then I decide on my font.
I used the font called Base Outline found here.
I sized the letters to fit and then selected the colors navy and red.
those colors will be perfect with the upcoming pirate theme.I printed a trial run first to make sure my letters printed correctly. 
(Please note: the letters will need to be mirrored when you print them!)

Then it was time to place the fabric transfer paper into the printer.
Place the paper line side up so the letters print on the plain, unmarked side.
Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial-Print
Like this…
Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial-Letters

After I printed them all out, I cut them out.

Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial-Letters cut out

I placed the sweater cubby on top of my ironing board
 and then placed the letter inside, image side down.

Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial-Iron on Letters

After I had a little trouble with the first letter I realized that I needed
to iron on a hard surface, so I grabbed a wood cutting
board and placed that on top of the ironing board and then the sweater 
organizer on top of that. Hope that makes sense.

I placed my iron on top of the letter for about 10 seconds and then removed.
I repeated this step until the letter was completely attached to cubby fabric.
Double check edges, they can be tricky.

  The last step was to remove the transfer backing and reveal my letters.
Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial completed

I couldn’t wait to hang it in little man’s closet and try it out.

Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial-with clothes

 Some of the letters have jagged edges because they didn’t transfer completely.
I guess that is technically an oops.
But I actually like that…I think it added a little character. 🙂

Are you wondering how little man will reach Monday’s clothes all on his own?
 I did too until I remembered his little step.
Kids Closet Organizer Tutorial-Full View

The little two-step fits perfectly in the closet
and now he can easily reach his clothes, Monday through Friday.

 The only item I had to buy for this project was the fabric transfer paper.
I used a 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby and paid a total of $3.48 for this new organizer.
I have a feeling though that the amount of time and stress this organizer
saves us each morning will make it totally priceless! 

I Love To Link To:

Skip To My Lou
Serendipity and Spice
Today’s Creative Blog 
Savvy Southern Style
The Shabby Creek Cottage  
The Shabby Nest
Tatertots and Jello 
Organize and Decorate Everything
House of Hepworths  
DIY Show Off 
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
DIY Home Sweet Home 
It’s Over Flowing
Home Stories A to Z
The Southern Institute
Miss Mustard Seed 
Delightful Order 
Somewhat Simple 
Organize Junkie


  1. Love the idea of putting the days of the week in there!

    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!
    Wildly Original linky party is open.

  2. Best. Idea. Ever. I think I need one of these for myself! I’m pinning this! Thanks for sharing this idea, visiting from SITS.

  3. Not only is this CUTE, it’s super useful!! LOVE IT!!

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  4. This is totally what I do! It works pretty well. I have plastic instead that fabric, so maybe I should adhere some letters to the back so that the days of the week enable them to start planning for themselves.

  5. We have a travel trailer that has wardrobe closets instead of drawers. This is perfect for organizing my little guys’ clothes while we camp. No more jumbled mess in the bottom of the closet! Great idea 🙂

  6. This is exactly what we do to help with th emorning clothing fights. It’s helped so much!

    Stopping over from The Ladies Collective

    Thanks for sharing


  7. Great idea! Pinned and tweeted to share! We appreciate you linking up with us at Snickerdoodle Sunday! Hope to see you next week too 🙂

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