Friday’s Fantastic Finds
Fantastic Comfort Food: Broccoli Mac and Cheese. I love Mac and Cheese! But my hubby and little man are not fans. Maybe I could persuade them with this yummy recipe.
Fantastic for Instagram Fanatics: Stickygram. Turn your awesome Instagram pictures into magnets! Oh and if you want to follow me on Instagram my name is inspirationformoms. 🙂
Fantastic Funny Pet: This pooch is having a good time!
Fantastic Inspired Thought:
Fantastic Workout Tips: The Best Ab Exercises of All Time. Top trainers reveal 20 of the best ab exercises to get the flat stomach we all want.
Fantastic Must See: Underwater Sculpture. Located in Cancun Mexico, this place seems totally amazing! It almost makes me want to learn to scuba dive.
Fantastic Dessert: Caramel Apple Trifles. Oh wow! These look so good!
Fantastic Exercise Funny: