21 Days To A Clean Organized Home: Day 5 – Organizing Your Spices
Organized spices are a such a wonderful thing when cooking. I have been searching for some great inspiring pictures to help show you how to keep those spices right were you need them…
You could display them on a shelf with IKEA containers like Home Made Happy.
Maybe you don’t have a shelf but you have a door.
This wall-mounted system can store dozens of spices.
I wish I could tell you where I got my drawer spice racks but I honestly don’t remember. I have had them for years. I LOVE having all my spices in a drawer right next to the stove. It’s easy to find just want I need…fast. All the jars are labeled…
My drawer wasn’t wide enough for 3 racks, so I use the space along the sides to store a few extra spices. As I see it, a girl can never have enough spices! Or is that shoes? 🙂
Anyway, they are organized and neatly in their place…just as it should be.
If you do not cook much and are wondering what different spices you should stock in your kitchen, Martha has a great “How To Stock Your Spice Rack’ list to refer too.
So how do you store and organize your spices? Can you easily find what you need when cooking? If not, maybe its time to do some organizing.
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I love the spice jars in the 2nd photo!
We received a counter top spice rack as a wedding gift, complete with spices. Many of the spices/herbs were ones we don’t use. I dumped them and refilled them with “normal people” spices (you know, Season All, lemon pepper etc.). Saved a lot of space in the pantry and I actually use my spice rack now.
Mine aren’t organized nearly as beautifully as those, but I put mine in alphabetical order on riser-like racks in the cabinet.
Also, keep in mind that spices need to be kept in dark places, not in the light!
I, too, keep my spices in my drawer. I don’t have a rack though. I just lay them flat in the draw and it works perfectly!!!!!