21 Days To A Clean Organized Home: Day 4 – Cleaning the Junk Drawer
Today is the day we tackle that junk drawer. We know we all have one and they got their nick-name for a reason. They are filled with junk! It is truly crazy what you will find in a junk drawer.
My junk drawer was no exception….
And to make matters worse, I had so much junk in that drawer that when I pulled the whole drawer out of the cabinet I found this…
Crazy, right?! When items start jumping out of the drawer, on their own…I think that’s a sign that I need to clean….now! 🙂
So I took the whole drawer and placed it on my coffee table. I turned on one of my favorite TV shows, got a trash bag and dived right in.
You want to know some of the things I discovered in this drawer? A tire gauge, a thermometer, some baby pictures of my son, my college transcripts, and Halloween candy?! Man….what a mess.
I removed everything, cleaned the actually drawer and then placed everything back. To organize this space, I found a set of three great little baskets at Wal-mart a few days back. They cost a total of $1.34 and I think they were worth every penny.
Cool site! New follower:)