12 Weeks To An Organized Home-Part 4

The laundry room…

Oh man. This is a hard one for me to share. I am literally sharing with you all my dirty laundry! Scary!! Although I am not proud to show you this room pre-cleaning, I am very proud to show you the finished and beautifully organized room it has become!!

Let’s begin with pictures of my messy laundry room…

This is a view of the above shelf starting by the door and continuing on down the wall.

This is a view to the right of the washer and dryer. This is where I so neatly sort my laundry!! Right!!
Here’s another one of those over the door hooks. Those things seem to be working for me, don’t you think? My goodness, I have tons of stuff hanging on that rack!!

And one last look at all the beauty!

Yes, I know. This is bad! I have let this room go and it shows. This project took some time as you might guess! But it was well worth it!!

First things first, I removed everything off the shelves and off the dryer. I then started the sort process once again. I sort all items into 3 piles: save, donate, or sell. Then I start putting the save items back one by one.

So now I will show you the finished project at let you know some changes or additions I made along the way.

Drum roll please……..

Wow! I know! Even my husband was impressed. To quote him, “It’s like a brand new room!”

I organized all my laundry detergents into baskets I already had in my home. They were sitting empty just taking up space, now they are being utilized. Beautiful!

I was storing all of our bedroom sheets in here because our home does not have a linen closet. But I thought they made it too messy!! You probably would agree. So, our bedding is stored in our bedroom closet. And the three linen covered baskets store towels, guest sheets and light bulbs.

The 3 bin hamper area is much more under control! And the hooks behind the door are clutter free! Wow wee!!

I installed a duster buster that will come in handy. I also added some nice touches just form me. Since I spend a lot of time in this room, I thought to myself, why not add some flowers and a cute picture for me to enjoy! I also recommend a small tray that you can put your laundry treasures on. By treasures, I mean buttons, money, a sock missing a mate, etc.

I am very proud of how this room turned out. I hope today I inspired you to jump in and organize some part of your home. I promise you, you are going to love the finished project!!

Next week, our bedroom dresser. To be continued….


  1. Hi there! I jumped over from Domestically Speaking – I must say that your laundry room looks awesome! I think you did an excellent job! 🙂

  2. wowie! Great job! I agree about the little touches – after all, we spend some major time doing laundry!

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