43 By 43 – My Personal Journey


Join me on a journey of losing weight and finding confidence, all before I turn 43.


In just a few weeks my baby will be turning three years old. And that means my “baby fat” has a birthday coming up as well. I think at this point, I can’t even call it baby fat. I think it’s called now like — “preschool padding that should have been gone like two and a half years ago”. Anyway, I’m tired of carrying around more weight that I should. I’m tired of feeling uncomfortable in my clothes. I’m tired of not wanting to try on new clothes or go clothes shopping. I’m tired of just being tired. So…I’m going to make a change and I want to invite you along on my weight loss journey.

Join me as I lose weight and find confidence, all before I turn 43. This is my weight loss journey, and I'd love for you to join me!

I’ve never had a huge weight problem until I had my youngest. I was almost 40 but I was at a pretty healthy and comfortable weight when I got pregnant with Britton. I was probably the healthiest I had been in a while, regularly working out three to four times a week. 

But then I got pregnant. We sold our home. We moved in with the my in-laws. Britton arrived and then about 6 months later we moved into our present home. It was a lot. A lot of stress and sleepless days and nights. And needless to say, my diet and exercise was not at the top of my priorities. Double whammy, I gained almost 60 pounds with my last pregnancy.  

Fast forward to today. I am looking at a body that I don’t even recognize or know how I got it. Well, that’s not true.  I think it was lots of talk out of my mouth like: I’m going to diet. I’m going to start going to the gym. I’m going to start walking the neighborhood. Start running. Do lots of squats. But then the action…see, that was the problem. There was none of that and that’s why I am sitting here typing this too you.

But 2018 is going to be the year of goal achieving. I’ve set some pretty HUGE goals for my work and I’m doing the same in my personal life. So…let me share how I am going to lose this “preschool padding”. 🙂

Here’s what I will be doing to reach my goals.

Here’s what I started doing immediately (as of Jan 3):

  • put my FitBit back on and started tracking my steps/movement each day
  • logged into My Fitness Pal again and started tracking my daily food consumption
  • went back to the gym (but not often as I need)
  • started drinking more water

Those were all great places to start, but I knew this time around I was going to need more! So the following week I also added:

(And getting a treadmill for the basement is something I have been thinking about for months now. If it goes on sale…I just may pull the trigger on that one too!)

Let’s talk about my current weight and my progress.

I haven’t touched that flat box with all the mean numbers (the scale) in a long, long time. But I had to start somewhere right. After I weighed in, I saw that I’m about 43 pounds over my ideal weight. So that number 43 hit me…because this summer I will also turn 43 years old. To be exact, my birthday is 24 weeks away. So after I did the math, I realized that I would need to lose an average of almost 2 pounds a week to hit my goal by my birthday. And to me that seemed like a pretty attainable/realistic goal.

So the first week after starting my weight loss journey (Jan 3-10), I lost 4 pounds. Nice right! The next week (Jan 11- 17) I didn’t lose anything BUT I didn’t gain anything either. I remember from all those years watching The Biggest Loser, that the second week is always the hardest.  So I am curious to see how adding workouts with Jillian will affect my weigh in this week. 

So, why am I sharing all this with you?

I am sharing this journey with you for two simple reasons. 

One — to keep myself accountable. I don’t want this to be all talk because I can do that all day long, but my body doesn’t change. I need action and accountability. So I want to share my weight loss journey with you . The highs and the lows because this will leads to reason number two.

Two — I want to support and help you through your own weight loss journey. Over the next twenty four weeks I’m going to learn a ton and I want to give you all that knowledge. Whether it be a fitness exercise that helped me achieve a goal, or a health recipe that I love or maybe a mistake I made that you can avoid. Or maybe I can just be your cheerleader. I would love to do this journey with you!

To help get you motivated I even made you a printable. It’s seven motivational fitness quotes when you feel like quitting and it’s downloadable below:

Download seven powerful motivational fitness quotes for when you feel like quitting.


PLEASE NOTE: I am not going to be posting a ton of weight loss updates on the blog. This will be more like sharing my progress and tips through my email newsletter. So if you would like to follow along on my journey…be sure to fill out the form below with your email address!

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