The Perfect Halloween Costume
Thank you to Socialstars and Minute Maid for sponsoring this post. #doingood #minutemaid
Halloween can be a super fun holiday. Who doesn’t love to get dressed up in cute costumes and eat tons of candy? It’s a treat, most of the time. But I have a little confession; sometimes Halloween completely stresses me out. For me, there’s tons of pressure to meet my child’s expectations and find the perfect Halloween costume.
At first, there was no stress over what Sebastian would wear because he was too little to care. For his very first Halloween I got to dress him as a cute pumpkin. Did he hate it? Yep. Got a picture of that and snapped one when he was lovin’ it too! I thought he was adorable either way. 🙂
He was a pretty awesome little honeybee for his second Halloween. But my favorite over the past 8 years has been his pirate outfit he wore at 3 years old. I found it on eBay and thought it was pretty cute. Once I got it on my son and added that sweet mustache, I was in love! The best looking little pirate I’ve ever seen.
I remember this particular Halloween was so much fun. It was the first time Sebastian really got into trick-or-treating. He was so excited to go to each house and ring the doorbell. Everyone who saw him gushed over his costume. I was asked many times if I made it. I wish!
A few years later he started getting into the television characters and had to have a Super Why costume. (Interesting pose he chose there. 😉 )
It was cute, but no pirate in my book. (Notice the picture on the console table in the background. 😉 ) I remember this costume was hard to find and it barely arrived before Halloween. I was so stressed it would be late and I would have a super upset 5 year-old.
Fast forward to this Halloween, my son wanted to be Gumball from the Amazing Adventures of Gumball. Does this costume exist? Nope. So my husband suggested maybe he could be a Rabbids from the Rabbids Invasion show. No go. So he finally decided to go with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume. Seriously? He doesn’t even watch the show. But you know what? I ordered it and sighed a big relief because I knew that my son would be happy this Halloween.
It’s times like this I have to stop and remind myself it doesn’t matter if he has the perfect costume. I’m #doinggood by caring about his happiness and that’s what really matters. As parents, I think happiness is what we want for our children. We worry about these silly holidays because we care and want to make special moments with our children even more special. I’m here to tell you, if you care, you’re already rockin’ your child’s world! If you know a stressed Halloween mom like me, encourage her to stop and realize she is already #doingood in the game of parenting and this Halloween is going to be great! Life is too short and these special moments end all to quickly.
You know what? I also ordered Baby Britton’s costume. He’s going to be a very cute lion. Sebastian asked me why Britton couldn’t be a ninja turtle like him. You know what my answer was? He’s going as a lion because I get to pick the costume! 😉