Six on Saturday: New Uses for Brown Paper Bags
We all know that brown paper bags can be super
useful for caring your groceries home from the store.
But did you know those same paper bags
can do so much more that just bring home the bacon?
Today, I’m “letting the cat out of the bag” and sharing six new uses. 🙂
1) Protect your breakables. Shred some paper bags and use in fragile packages to protect your items from breaking.
2) Create a beautiful floor. Learn how to make a brown paper bag floor for under $100 with this tutorial.
3) Stop onions from sprouting. Remove your onions from the mesh or plastic bags and put them in a brown paper bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Your onions should keep for two or three months without sprouting. 🙂
4) Carry flower flats with ease. Using a brown paper bag with handles, cut the bag along both long sides of a side panel. Repeat on other side. Then fold the cut panels in to create a stronger base.
5) Block those weeds. Lay paper bags down in your garden to create a barrier that will prevent weed growth. Plus they will decompose naturally!
6) Pop some popcorn. Learn how to make microwave popcorn in a simple brown paper bag from this easy tutorial.
Do you know of any other new uses for paper bags?
Linking Up At:
Between Naps on the Porch

Put unripe fruit in a brown paper bag to speed ripening.