Friday’s Fantastic Finds
Oh yes, we can!!
Happy Friday to you!
Yesterday was a good day,
I have been working so hard on my 31 day series that
I decided to take a break from blogging and writing.
Want to know what I did on my break?
I cleaned my house and it was wonderful. 🙂
I truly find cleaning to be so therapeutic and calming.
Something I guess about having everything in it’s place and
bringing some order to my home.
Ya, I know I’m crazy.
But I am happy and and my home is clean (for now)
so all is well with the world.
It’s time for some Fantastic Finds….
Fantastic New Way to Eat Potatoes: Hasselback Potatoes. Such a fun way to eat yummy potatoes.
Fantastic Must See: Venice, Italy. I said it once and I’ll say it again…I am going to see Venice.
Fantastic Sleeper: Someone is sleeping good! 🙂
Fantastic Reason to Love Today:
Fantastic Dinner Idea: Avocado Chicken Parmigiana. I love anything with avocados and this dish looks amazing!
Fantastic Photography: This picture is amazing but it also makes me feel a little chilled. 🙂
Fantastic DIY Tip: Winter Tips For Melting Ice. I don’t think this will work for the above picture but for you car covered in ice, I would give these tips a try!
Fantastic Funny: I stumbled upon this video and you have to watch…Gladys is too cute!
Have a fantastic weekend!