Friday’s Fantastic Finds

Don’t you just…
Me too! 🙂
 I wanted to start by announcing the winner of the Diamond Pendant….
Congratulations to Danya! 🙂

Tonight will be our last night house sitting.
I am excited to return home and sleep in my own bed.
Even when you are on an amazing vacation,
coming home to your own familiar bed is always sweet.
 I have some work to do before the in-laws get back,
so enjoy these fantastic finds while I am cleaning carpets! 🙂
Fantastic Must-Try Dinner: Baked Ziti with Mini-Meatballs. Oh my goodness, can someone please remind me why I am not eating cheese right now?  

Fantastic Game: Backyard Scrabble. An awesome family activity that teaches and burns some calories at the same time!

Fantastic Sign: I would love to have this coffee sign sitting next to my espresso machine!

Fantastic Words of Wisdom:

Fantastic Cake: Brown Sugar Pound Cake. This cake looks so good!

Fantastic Funny Dog: Now this guy is incredibly good at catch!

Fantastic Summer Backyard: How cool is this fire pit? I would love to make something like this in our back yard.

Fantastic Funny: If you follow me on Facebook, this is a repeat, but I couldn’t resist sharing again. 🙂 If only…

Have a fantastic weekend!


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