Friday’s Fantastic Finds

Happy Friday and welcome to the day after the party! 🙂
I hope you had a fantastic 4th of July and you got to see some awesome fireworks.
And if your Friday actually started on Wednesday this week, 
I hope you are really enjoying your four-day weekend! 

We enjoyed the 4th with family, some pool time and good food.
Our only plans for the next few days is too hang out and take it easy.
Although, on Sunday we have plans to visit the local drive-in and watch Despicable Me 2.
Even though little man has never been to a drive-in, he is really excited!
And truth be told, I am too. 🙂

Enjoy the fantastic finds this week!

Fantastic Sweet Dessert: All American Icebox Cake. It’s not too late to make this holiday treat. Graham crackers, fresh strawberries and chocolate….yum!

Fantastic DIY: Crate Book Storage. An amazing and frugal way to add some cool bookshelves to your kids playroom or bedroom.

Fantastic Funny Dogs: Apparently, this dog does not want to go shopping! 🙂


Fantastic List: Healthy Baking Substitutes. Love to bake but still want to eat healthy? I’ve found a great list of nine healthy baking substitutes.

Fantastic Words of Wisdom:

Fantastic Wedding Gift: His and Her Pillow Covers. Actually, these are great for any couple! I would love a set!

Fantastic Dinner: Chicken Enchilada Pasta. I can’t wait to give this recipe a try.

Fantastic Tips: How to Style a Bookcase. It looks so easy to do, but can actually be a little tricky.

Fantastic Funny: My husband and I are constantly joking that we are sooo old. Usually this conversation starts when one of us is trying to get up off the couch! 🙂

Have a fantastic weekend!!


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