Friday’s Fantastic Finds
My husband has a good firend that works on computers and
after he looked at it, discovered that it needed a new part.
Should be here by Monday so that’s going to be awesome!
I would love to have your vote. (You can vote once a day)
Would you take a sec and hop over HERE to vote for me (#22)? Thank you!!!
Today is little man’s last day of school
so at noon we will officially be on summer break!! Woop! Woop!
Party at Chili’s! (That’s where he wanted to go for lunch) 🙂
Fantastic Must See: Las Vegas ShotZilla Zip Line. Did you know there was a zip line in the middle of downtown Vegas? Just another reason why I need to see this place!
Fantastic Summer Cocktail: Rhubarb Strawberry Margarita. I may have to make one of these tonight to celebrate the official start of summer!
Fantastic Reuse: Milk Pails as Planters. Lovely idea that would look fantastic on a front porch.
Fantastic Wise Words: In honor of a wonderful lady…
Fantastic Summer Outfit: Simple, comfortable and cool. 🙂
Fantastic Easy Dinner: One Pot Pasta. I loooooooove any recipe that only needs one pot! I’m saving this one for sure!
Fantastic Copier Gone Bad: Now this would be one bad day at the office. Yikes!