Friday’s Fantastic Finds
Happy Friday!
Hey there! We have made it to another Friday! Woohoo! Update on little Britton: he seems to be thriving as he is officially two weeks old now. Seems like it was just yesterday that I was at the hospital waiting for him to arrive.
This week was my first back as “official” mom. Well kinda. I did drive the big guy to school and ran a few errands. I totally forgot how hauling a newborn around is not only more time consuming, but also requires major muscles! My right arm is going to look amazing by summer! lol
Since it is Friday, I’m happy to once again share with you some fantastic finds! Hope you enjoy!
Fantastic Dinner Idea: Chicken Avocado Burritos. Anything + Avocados = Happy Laura! 😉
Fantastic DIY: Hide Your BoxSpring. Such a genius idea that is so inexpensive!
Fantastic Winter Outfit: Love the boots and the bag.
Fantastic Winter Comfort Food: Lasagna Soup. I had never heard of this before but now I want to eat a huge bowl!
Fantastic Words of Wisdom: Are you worrying today?
Fantastic Dinner for Two: Mushroom Pasta with Goat Cheese. This looks so full of creamy cheesy goodness!
Fantastic Dessert: Special Delivery Envelope Tart. Oh my goodness! How adorable are these?!
Fantastic Funny: