Friday’s Fantastic Finds
Hey there lovelies! I have good news…you made it to another Friday! Awesome, right? This week has been full of ups and downs. A great “up” was spending time with our friends from Chicago. Hated to see them leave on Tuesday. A big “down” was our garage door spring breaking. As much as I was bummed about fixing that, the whole process has turned into more than just a spring being repaired. It’s turned into a super long story and I will spare you all the details. There was a BIG blessing in the whole garage mess though…at least our vehicles were OUTSIDE the garage when it broke or we would be without cars too! (Thank you Lord for that one!!) Ironically it was a quick trip to the store to get some apple pie that saved our car from getting trapped. Let’s hear it for apple pie cravings. 😉
I’m trying to keep the whole garage door mess out of mind because today is a special day. We have our first ultrasound and we get to find out the sex of the baby! Woohoo! Can’t wait to share with you all the details! 🙂
But for now, enjoy these fantastic finds and your upcoming weekend!
Fantastic Dinner Recipes: 36 Healthy Dinners. Not only are these dinner recipes good for you, they’re also less than $3 a serving. 🙂
Fantastic Product: Wood Stacker. Fireplace season is almost here, such a great way to organize your wood.
Fantastic One-Pot Dinner: One-Pan Taco Casserole. Love those one pot dishes!
Fantastic Words of Wisdom:
Fantastic Fun Dinner: Pizza Spaghetti Bake. Oh am so making this tonight. Who knows? It could become a new Friday night favorite.
Fantastic Fall Outfit: I don’t know if I could pull off the hat, but I love the rest!
Fantastic Crock Pot Recipe: BBQ Chicken. Can’t wait to try this recipe this fall.
Fantastic Funny: Is this how your meal planning goes? Mine has! 🙂
I want the sweater and boots in this post! I cannot tell how old this post is, though. Where did you find this?