DIY: Recycle Bin Hanger Tutorial

When I first decided to clean out my garage
I looked on Pinterest for organizing inspiration
and found this idea…

The funny thing is when I finally decided to build mine,
I didn’t realize this site gives you a step-by step tutorial.
I just winged it and did my own thing. 🙂

So this is a tutorial on how I made the recycle bin hangers.

First I grabbed my wood.
I used 1 x 4 pre-primed boards
and a 2 x 2 board left over from my laundry room remodel.
I then measured the inside of my recycle bin.
You want to make sure your upper set of boards will fit inside,
this is a very important step!

Then it was time to cut,
but first I wanted to show you that I do wear my safety goggles. 
I actually took a couple of pictures for fun.

And then the goofy…

Anyway, back to the tutorial…

I cut my boards…

I marked my boards based on my stud locations…

I pre-drilled…

I then screwed in the first board, make sure its level…

and then placed the second board on top, but lower.
 This way, you have a lip for the bin to slide under.

I am happy to report…

This little DIY project took me a totally of 20 minutes and it was FREE!


  1. Thanks for the comment! This idea is fabulous! I’m afraid I could spend hours looking over all the Pinterest Inspired ideas….lots of fun!

  2. This is a great way to get those ever-useful recycle bins up off the floor–very cool idea!

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