Three Easy Christmas Gift Wrap Ideas


You bought the gifts and now it’s time to wrap them up. Here are three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas you can do fast!

One of my favorite things about the Christmas season is buying gifts for others. But sometimes at Christmas, the task of wrapping all of those presents at once can get overwhelming. If you procrastinate like I sometimes do, it can get super stressful! So this year I decided to make the experience simple and even possibly fun with a little game. More on the game later. First let me share with you three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas I’m doing this year. 

You bought the gifts and now it's time to wrap them. Here are three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas you can do fast! #christmasgiftwrapideas #giftwrapideas

My three guidelines when it comes to Christmas gift wrap is color, ribbon and accessories. This year my main color is black and white. And my accent colors are gold, green with a pop of red. My ribbon is always the same as my main colors but with fun patterns or stripes. And for accessories, I like to use fresh greenery or fun ornaments.

I’m going to show you three examples. You’ll see how these guidelines work together to make some very pretty but simple Christmas gift wrap. 

Greenery Wreath 

Don’t let the looks of this gift wrap fool you. This present only took me about five minutes from start to finish. First wrap your package in your favorite wrapping paper.

Then take a long stem of blue spruce or redwood (I find mine at Trade Joe’s). Bend the stem into a circle and tie the ends together with floral wire. Now place that greenery circle in the center of your package. Next, take one end of your ribbon and loop it through the top of your wreath. Tuck the ribbon behind the package and secure, then repeat this step with more ribbon on the bottom part of the wreath. 

And for fun, add some holly berries to give your package a nice festive pop of color. My berries are the real deal! I was shocked when I found fresh holly berries at Trader Joe’s as well. So I had to grab some just to experience the real holly. 😉 

You bought the gifts and now it's time to wrap them. Here are three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas you can do fast! #christmasgiftwrapideas #giftwrapideas

Finish the wrap with your favorite gift tag. I love those falalala gift tags — so cute! But I think the falalala gift wrap paper is my absolute favorite Christmas wrap paper of this season! (You’ll see it featured in my next wrapped present.)

Aedriel, the lady who lettered the tag/paper is a friend who blogs at Aedriel. She lives in Albuquerque, where I was born and lived for half of my childhood!  How cool is that?!! Now her handwriting/lettering is in Target stores. So amazing!

Ribbon and Bells

The next Christmas gift wrap idea I have for you is even easier than the last one I showed you! After you have wrapped your gift, take some ribbon and add a few jingle bells. My boys love these bells and I have to admit, the little girl in me does too!

You bought the gifts and now it's time to wrap them. Here are three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas you can do fast! #christmasgiftwrapideas #giftwrapideas

Plus, I love the addition of the shiny, gold texture to the wrapped gift as well! 🙂 

Evergreen Star

The last idea I have for you is very simple as well. I took some cedar greenery and cut off about six stems. After I wrapped my gift, I put on the ribbon. Then I placed the greenery on with the stem ends in the center of the package. Working my way around the package, I made a star-like pattern. I secured with tape and then added another gift tag and some more holly. 

You bought the gifts and now it's time to wrap them. Here are three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas you can do fast! #christmasgiftwrapideas #giftwrapideas

This Christmas gift wrap design is my favorite of all three, I think. But really, I like the look of them all. And together, they’re going to be gorgeous under our tree until the boys get their hands on them. Ha!

Oh! If you really want to make your Christmas gift wrapping even more merry, I have a fun idea for you. Try the Christmas Gift Wrap Drinking Game!

You bought the gifts and now it's time to wrap them. Here are three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas you can do fast! #christmasgiftwrapideas #giftwrapideas

Now that’s how you get all your Christmas wrapping done in a cheerful mood. It may take you longer and the gifts may get the wrong tags but that’s the fun of drinking while gift wrapping! It’s truly a surprise for everyone Christmas morning. 🙂

You bought the gifts and now it's time to wrap them. Here are three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas you can do fast! #christmasgiftwrapideas #giftwrapideas

Shop All The Christmas Gift Wrap Supplies Here:

Be sure to pin these simple Christmas Gift Wrap ideas! 

You bought the gifts and now it's time to wrap them. Here are three easy Christmas gift wrap ideas you can do fast! #christmasgiftwrapideas #giftwrapideas

If you are looking for some more fun and simple Christmas wrapping ideas, my friends below have a bunch of fabulous ideas for you! 

Simple Gift Wrapping Ideas

How to Make Flowers from Happy Happy Nester // How To Wrap A Gift from My 100 Year Old Home // Vintage Christmas Wrapping Paper from Shabbyfufu // Pom Pom Gift Wrap from Modern Glam

Easy Colorful Gift Wrap Idea from The Handmade Home // How to Wrap Baked Goods from Satori Design for Living // Embroidery Hoop Holiday Gift Toppers from Tatertots & Jello // 4 Ways to Use Black and White Wrapping Paper from Grace In My Space

Gift Wrapping Basics – Wrapping Without A Bow from Zevy Joy // Brown Paper & Pom Pom Gift Wrapping Ideas from The DIY Mommy // Gift Wrapping Idea from Finding Lovely // DIY Gift Wrap Ideas & Free Printable Holiday Gift Tags from The Happy Housie

Simple & Pretty Christmas Wrapping Ideas from The Tattered Pew // 5 Secrets To Pretty Gift Wrapping from She Gave It A Go // Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas for Kids from Pink Peppermint Design // 3 Easy Christmas Gift Wrap Ideas from Inspiration for Moms

Dollar Store Gift Basket Wrap from Craftberry Bush // Natural Holiday Gift Wrap with Greenery from Hallstrom Home // Easy Christmas Gift Wrap Without Bows from Sanctuary Home Decor // Scandinavian Inspired Christmas Gift Wrap from Twelve on Main

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