Books and Snuggles

The bed time routine at our house goes something like this:

Me: Time for bed Sebastian, go get your jammies and pick 3 books to read tonight. Then meet me in mommies room. Okay?

Sebastian: Jammies and 4 books.

Me: Nice try…jammies and 3 books.

Sebastian: (laughing) Jammies and 3 books.

After he gets dressed for bed, we snuggle into my bed and we read. It’s got to be one of my favorite times of the day.

I thought I would share a little video of us reading one of his favorite books- “Go Away Big Green Monster.” (Thanks to my hubby for recording us!)

On this Thankful Thursday, I am so thankful for the joys of sharing a book with my favorite little man. Treasured moments that will someday be a memory of the past. 

But not today! For tonight, we will snuggle and read again and my heart will rejoice.


  1. what a good reminder, on how the little moments mean the most.

    Found you on Spotlight Saturday!!!

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