Almost Four. Already?

Just a few days ago, I was asked, ‘How old is your son?’ Generally, when I am asked that question, I don’t stop to ponder. I quickly state the facts and say that my son is three years old.

But this time was different. I stopped and realized that in less then a month, my son will be four. Already? 

I think the best judge of time is children. As adults we don’t really age that much and not usually very fast. Sure, Uncle Dan, if you haven’t seen him in 20 years, yeah. He looks old! But children, they change so fast with every passing year. 

And as our children grow and develop with age, we start the ‘remember whens.’ Remember when he had those big, chubby cheeks? Remember when he took those first steps? Remember when he discovered he could climb out of his bed, by himself, in the middle of the night? (Forgot about that…that was fun!)

Crib days, before the freedom of the toddler bed!

We start reflecting on the past and those special times that were once in a lifetime moments. Moments that we can’t go back and experience again. 

As thankful as I am for those moments, I am just as thankful, if not more, for the future with my son. 

No, I don’t have a crystal ball or some magical book that gives me an insider peek into his future. 

I will tell you though, what I do have….I have faith. 

Faith that my sons best years are in the future. Faith that the best memories are the ones still to come. Faith that my sons biggest accomplishments are yet to be seen. 

This faith gets me so excited for each year my son grows! Yes, he will be four in almost a month. Yes, he will never be three again. But that’s okay. I am thankful for our third year together and all treasured time we spent together. 

Four is just around the corner, and I wonder what joys I am going to see this year?

One Comment

  1. Every moment is so very precious…those in the past AND those yet to come. Your little man is SO BLESSED to have you for his momma. Love you!

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