Yesterday I shared with you my organized freezer in the kitchen. But I also wanted to show you my deep freezer in the garage. So that’s what I am going to talk about today.
I am so blessed to have extra freezer space. It really helps me save money by stocking up on meats when on sale.
To be honest, my freezer was pretty disorganized. I basically would just throw stuff in. When I needed something I would just dig around. There were a few times when I would go to grab some chicken for dinner only to find after 10 minutes that I didn’t have any chicken, but I did have a nice frozen hand!!
To organize this space, I used the same baskets from the Dollar Store, but this time I did a different design for my labels.
I made labels for turkey, chicken, beef, fish, vegetables, and potatoes. And now my freezer looks like this…
My freezer came with one sliding wire basket. I am using that to store ice cream and cinnamon rolls–or as I call it, the ‘Sweet Treats’ basket. Here’s a view underneath the Sweet Treats…
I already like my new organized deep freezer because I found a whole organic chicken that I had been looking for!! Ha…I guess it pays to clean! 🙂
To wrap up the freezer organizing project, I thought I would share a few great tips:
Need a list to help you know what you can and can not freeze?
has information on freezing just about everything.
And if you would like a list to keep inventory of what’s in your freezer…
Real Simple has a some great information to share too….
I hope all this information will help you get the organized freezer you have always dreamed of (or just plain, needed!). 🙂
Linking To:
You can also use a dry erase marker to keep track of your deep freezes inventory. Use one with a magnet on the lid and just change the number every time you take something out.