21 Days To A Clean Organized Home: Day 8- Organizing the Freezer (Part 1)
An organized freezer is so helpful when cooking and staying on budget. I wanted to share with you how I decided to organize mine.
But like all great before and afters, there must be a before shot. So here’s mine…
I think the best way to clean and organize the freezer is shelf by shelf. So I started at the top and worked myself down to the bottom.
I threw away all food that was old, uneatable or expired. I also cleaned each shelf before putting items back.
I found some cute baskets at the Dollar Store and I found the luggage tags at Target. What luggage tags? These…
Now are you wondering, how do luggage tags and freezer organization go together?? Simple. Just like this…
And this…
I know what you are thinking. Besides, “Those are the cutest labels I have ever seen”, you are thinking,”Why does she need a whole basket just for cold packs?!” Well, my husband is a chiropractor, so our family uses lots of cold packs. And we have quite the collection of shapes and sizes. 🙂
So now that I have explained that, let’s get back to the ‘cutest labels you have ever seen’. It’s really simple to make them. The luggage tags were in a 4-pack and a little over $3 bucks. The label design I printed was from Better Homes and Gardens free printable-labels. Once you have downloaded the labels, you simply click on the center and you can customize them for your freezer needs.
And a freezer needs lots of organization so….
I have also made some rather cute labels for leftovers. Wanna see? (First though, let me apologize for the next two pictures quality, it’s so hard (for me) to take a picture directly at a light.)
A close up will show you how helpful these can be…
They have all the months listed along with the numbers 1-31. You simply circle the month and day that you are freezing the item and write what it is. They are printed on label adhesive paper. Sooooo, all that is left is to peel and stick. How awesome is that?!
My freezer is now, one beautifully organized space…
And because we all know that “Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going”…I have already made some extra freezer labels so I don’t have any excuses! I placed them in my newly organized junk drawer…
If you would like to make your own, Martha is willing to share. Just download the freezer labels and print on adhesive-backed paper. Don’t forget to make extras! 😉
My freezer in the kitchen is done, but I also have a freezer chest in the garage. I will show you that tomorrow, for Part 2. 🙂
YAY! I’m going to tackle this tonight! We have a really little below the fridge 2 drawer freezer, so it’s SUPER important to keep it organized to maximize space. After the end of this month we’ll have a bit more space though, as we can remove the top of our wedding cake FINALLY!
I like the baskets in the freezer! I thought I’d mention, though, that your containers with leftovers seem too large for the food in them. I’ve always heard that it would stay fresher with less air around it so to always try to put it in the smallest container necessary. Alternatively, a freezer bag with the contents spread out evenly would eliminate the air AND could potentially take up less space by laying it flat. 🙂
I like the baskets in the freezer! I thought I’d mention, though, that your containers with leftovers seem too large for the food in them. I’ve always heard that it would stay fresher with less air around it so to always try to put it in the smallest container necessary. Alternatively, a freezer bag with the contents spread out evenly would eliminate the air AND could potentially take up less space by laying it flat. 🙂