21 Days To A Clean Organized Home: Day 1 – Meal Planning + Giveaway

Happy New Year’s Day! 

So you have decided to join me on the first day of my new series! Yay! I am so glad you are here. Ready to get a clean organized home? Let’s dive right in!

Day #1- Meal Planning

As you know, I plan out my meals every week. I do this for three reasons; organization, time and money.

First, organization. I hate that famous question…what’s for dinner? Well, I guess I should say I hate that question when I don’t have an answer! To me, planning out my meals gives me a peace in my day because I know what I will be making, that I already have what I need to make it and how long I need to cook it. So go ahead…ask me what’s for dinner…I dare ya!

Second, time. When I have my meals planned I am not wasting precious time in the evening frantically looking for a recipe, checking to see if I have all the ingredients, all while my family stares at me with hungry eyes. Nooooo, thank you. Why put yourself through unnecessary stress! If I have a meal planned, I know when I need to stop and start cooking so that dinner is ready when my hubby comes home.

Third, money. Planned meals mean I am not running to fast food (Little Caesar’s Pizza) because I don’t have all the ingredients to whip something up. Also, planning meals saves you money by controlling how many times you are eating meat. We all know that meat is expensive. So I try to plan a few vegetarian meals during the week to help stretch the budget. Plus, it’s good for our health!

Now, I know what you are thinking….planning a weekly menu takes tons of time. First I have to find some recipes, then I have to make a grocery list, and then still…there is the grocery shopping. I hear ya…I do! So I will tell you what I do and it works like magic.

I use Relish!, a meal planning service! I have been using then for over two years, maybe longer. And I love it. 

Basically how it works is that each week you gain access to 15 new recipes and one dessert. You choose which meals you would like to cook and then add them to your weekly menu. From there, you can create a shopping list! That’s right…they take your selected recipes and create a categorized shopping list for you!!! You simply print it out, mark off what you already have on hand.  Then take your list to the store and shop. How simple is that?!!! No more forgetting items or looking up recipes. They have done all the work for you. Plus they have tons of extra recipes like, 10 freezer meals each month, desserts, low-calories meals, kid-friendly meals, holiday meals, salads, breads, drinks….I could go on and on. 

Their recipes are great because most of them take 30 minutes or less to cook and they taste good! That’s important right?! It’s a great time saving service that not only keeps me organized, it also saves me money.


Now, I have some great news to share! I contacted the lovely Ann at Relish! and she has offered to give one of my readers a 6-month membership…valued at $35.70! I am so excited to be able to give this wonderful service to one of you!!!! 

There are multiple ways to enter this giveaway….

1) Visit Relish! and watch their Welcome Video…then come back and leave a comment telling me you have done so. 

2) “Like” Relish! on Facebook, or let me know that you do.
3) Link up to my 21 Days To A Clean Organized Home Series HERE, or let me know that you have.

4) Subscribe to my email newsletter or RSS feed ,or let me know that you do.

5) ” Like” me on Facebook ,or let me know that you do.

6) Become a friendly Follower of Inspiration For Moms ,or let me know that you are.

7) Follow me on Twitter, or let me know that you do.

8) Blog/Tweet about the giveaway. Make sure you come back and leave a separate comment letting me know that you’ve done this.

This giveaway will end on midnight, Friday, January 13 
and the winner will be announced on Saturday, January 14.

Now, if you don’t want to use online menu planning system, I have other options you may like…

Big Ovenwww.bigoven.com 
(FREE software for smartphone, tablet or web browser)

(FREE 14 menu planner forms)

Whatever option you choose, they are all productive ways to organize your weekly meals and save you lots of time, stress, and frustration.

Do you already have a system in place to plan your weekly meals? Does it save you time?

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  1. I’m so excited about your new series and the idea of menus already planned out for me sounds marvelous. I’ve posted your button on my blog!

  2. Watched the video on Relish this would be an awesome tool for me! I constantly play the whats for dinner game and then end up ordering out or eating junk and we have a family of 6!


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