The Power of Encouragement
Thank you to Socialstars and Minute Maid for sponsoring this post. #doingood #minutemaid
Parenting is full of emotions. Joy. Laughter. Excitement. Frustration. Fatigue. Tears. As I have said many times, being a parent isn’t for the meek. It’s an experience that is full of trial and error, victories and defeats. And it’s always packed full of surprises!
There was the time when Sebastian took his brand new baby brother for a walk in the jogging stroller. At first, our walk was going great with lots of smiles and joy. But then….surprise!
Sebastian accidentally tipped the stroller on to it’s side. No one was hurt but everyone was crying hectically and I couldn’t comfort them all at once. I even wanted to cry myself because I felt so overwhelmed and tired from carrying for a newborn. No parenting victory there.
Or how about those awkward moments in the grocery store when your baby is screaming and everyone is looking in judgement. Yep, been there. I remember when I had to spend over two hours shopping at Costco while the car was getting new tires. I tried putting both kids in their super big carts. I did get a few looks from strangers but to me it was totally worth it to keep the boys happy.
For awhile the boys were happy but then Britton decided he had enough and started crying. So I pulled him out of the car seat and proceed to carry him around the store while pushing that huge cart. He continued to cry off and on. I became so exhausted that we decided to take a break and get a hot dog. We sat down at a table next to an older couple.
The older lady immediately smiled at me and little Britton. I returned a smile back even though it was the last thing I felt like doing. The older lady started up a conversation with me asking me casual questions about the boys. I answered her back in my best happy voice but she must have seen the frustration and exhaustion all over my face. She paused for a moment and then simply said, “Those brand new babies are so adorable but they can be challenging. You already look like you’re doing a fabulous job. He’s in good hands.” I graciously said, “Thank you.”. But at that very moment those three little sentences breathed life back into my tired body.
A few minutes later they called and said our car was ready so we got up to leave. I gave that lady a smile and left that store a much stronger mom.
Sometimes as parents, all we need is a few words of encouragement. All though they may seem small, they can be mighty powerful. Even if our parenting styles differ, we all want the best for kids. If you worry, you care. Now when I see that frustrated and exhausted look on another parents face, I try to be encouraging. Sometimes it’s with a few simple words or just a smile to say, “You’re not alone and you’re #doingood. I want to pay it forward and help another parent like the older lady in the store helped me.
Here’s a little video clip showing you the power of encouragement from a daughter to a mother. (grab the tissues!)
I challenge you to empower other parents too. Let them know they are #doingood and remind them to celebrate all the accomplishments they have already experienced. Do all the good you can to all the people you can. 🙂
Do you remember a time when a parent encouraged you? Share it below in the comments and let’s encourage each other! 🙂
Oh you little sweetheart! Could write a novel of tales of mishaps such as you spoke of. First 3 daughters were a year to 18 months apart in age. Had only 1 vehicle back in the 80’s.So shopping was usually done with the girls with. Carseat in the cart, toddler seated in front, 1 walking. Good times in Wisconsin in the winter. Those wheels do NOT push through snow very well! We all survived and you will as well. God bless the woman encouraging you. Have taught my 4daughters that even though I do not get out much, is my absolute purpose PURPOSE, to do at least 1 kind gesture, and to ALSO get someone to laugh, (or at least smile). Is a joy on my part and always a good thing. Kindness matters.
Just found your blog and I love it! This post is so wonderful and true! Being a mom can be hard at times but a few words of encouragement can go a long way in getting through challenging moments. Thanks for this awesome post and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you. Cara! A very Happy Thanksgiving to you too! 🙂