Six On Saturday: New Uses For…Rubber Bands

1) Hold that glass. Wrap a few rubber bands around a chilly or slippery glass to give little fingers better grip. 

2) A flower arranger. Use a rubber band to keep your flower heads together. Cut the stems to just above the height of the vase for best effect.

3) Earring backer. When you’ve lost (another) backing to the Bermuda Triangle of jewelry, find a rubber band and cut out a thick small square. 

4) Open jars with ease. When a small lid won’t budge, wrap a rubber band around it several times to give you better grip.

5) Alter a pant waistband. Need a little more, temporarily? Loop one rubber band through the buttonhole or eye and then secure the other side around the button or hook.

6) A paintbrush scraper. Wrap a rubber band around a can of paint from top to bottom, going across the middle of the can opening. Now you can just tap the brush against the rubber band and the excess paint will fall back into the can. Now that’s what I call brilliant!

Do you have any great new uses for rubber bands? 

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