It’s The Little Things…..

Happy Thursday, my friends! I can’t believe that this week is almost over. But I love my weekends, don’t you??

I wanted to share something with you that I started last Sunday. It’s something new in my life…its a little thing really…at least that’s what I thought at first. You see, it only takes up 20 minutes of my time. And I have to do it everyday to reap the rewards. But really, who doesn’t have 20 minutes to spare…

So what do I do for 20 minutes everyday?? I meet with this lovely lady…

At first though, I hated those 20 minutes. It was hard and painful. But the whole time I just keep telling myself…it’s only 20 minutes!! You spend more time then that sitting in traffic!!! And Jillian keeps telling me that if I keep it up, I will be shredded just like her! Well….a girl’s got to try, right?!!

And even though its a little thing like 20 minutes out of my day…its making a big impact on my life. I feel good about myself for pushing through the workout and doing something good for my body and health. I like the feeling of my thighs hurting so bad I can hardly climb up my stairs! I do!! It means change is happening….and for the better!!

This one little 20 minute change has brought on other little changes in my life too. Like….

Less thinking about adding this into my day….

 Add trying to add a little more of these…

A little more of this too…

All of these little changes are adding up. And each day that I change things up just a bit…I feel like this….

A great sense of accomplishment and pride in myself! And that is such an awesome feeling!!  

On this Thankful Thursday, be thankful for the little small changes or improvements that you are making in your life. Sometimes you may think that they are so small they don’t really matter and they won’t add up to anything great. But I am hear to tell you that they do matter and they will add up!!  Day by day, little by little,  you are going to grow stronger, be more healthier, more radiantly beautiful and more confident.

I challenge you to start today. Pick a little thing to change in your life.. Try it for a week…it’s just a little thing. What do you have to loose?? But you have everything to gain!

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