Guest Post: The Words Of My Father

Today’s Thankful Thursday is written by my sister, Stacy from Heartprints of God.  And today, she is sharing a story about our father.

The Words Of My Father

“My father passed away over six years ago, and yet, at times, it seems as though time has stood still since I saw him last. In my mind’s eye, I can still see him sitting out on the back porch. His legs are crossed: one leg resting atop one knee. And of course, punctuating those long legs of his, cowboy boots. One arm is resting on the arm rest, while the other one, bent at the elbow, is providing his head with a bit of rest, too.

While I vividly recall his mannerisms and gentle ways, it is the words he spoke to me that I remember most. I think this is because he was a man of few words. Even now, I hear his voice of instruction, guidance, humor and spunk.

In winter: Don’t forget to pack a sleeping bag in the trunk of your car.

In summer: If you get a flat tire, make sure when you pull over you aren’t parking on tall, dry grass. You wouldn’t want to start a fire. Oh….and watch for snakes.

In fall: Isn’t that the prettiest harvest moon you have ever seen?

In spring: Watch for snakes. (Snakes seemed to be on his mind a lot). The weather is getting warm and they’ll be coming out.

In conversation in our home: Talk nice.

When traveling: Don’t drive too fast.

After dinner: How about warming us a piece of that peach cobbler and putting a little shot of ice cream on it?

When shopping: Let’s just pop in here for a minute and see what they have.

When someone in our family was angry: Why are you mad at me? I didn’t throw any rocks at your dog.

When referring to me: How’s Daddy’s Darlin’?

It is these phrases, these words, that now give me comfort, keep me packing a sleeping bag in my trunk during the cold months of winter, and smiling.
It is no different with my Heavenly Father. Every day, in my heart, I hear his voice speaking to me, too.
In relationships: Love another as I have loved you.
In trials: Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
In decision-making: Acknowledge me and I will direct your paths.
In my mistakes: Confess your sins to me and I will forgive you.
In my fears: I didn’t give you a spirit of fear. I gave you love, power and a sound mind.
In my day-to-day life: I am with you always.
On this Thankful Thursday, I am so thankful for the gift God gave me in my earthly father. His wisdom and love guide me still. Yet, I am most thankful for my Heavenly Father, the giver of all good gifts, the one who knows me better than I know myself. It is HIS voice that leads me into the paths of righteousness. It is his voice that will lead me to my eternal home.”

Author Bio: Stacy Sanchez, a freelance writer and Children’s Minister, writes at Heartprints of God. Stacy has discovered God is always faithful to leave heartprints of His love scattered across the pages of her life. It is these Heartprints of God that she writes about. A wife, a teacher, a writer, and most cherished of all, a child of God, Stacy writes with both humor and honesty. It is her hope that through her writing, others will begin to see traces of God’s love in their own life and come to truly know the lover of their soul, and in doing so, find the very heart of who they are. Visit her at


  1. Stacy, I love the memories and wise advice you received from your father. What a harm warming post. Thank you for sharing it!

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