What You Need To Get A Clean Kitchen Fast
Love a clean kitchen? Me too! Learn what you need to get a clean kitchen fast and keep it that way!
I love to clean my kitchen. There I said it, don’t hate me. There’s two reasons why cleaning my kitchen actually brings me joy. One, it’s my favorite room in the house. So when it’s all shiny and clean, it makes my heart sing. And two, it’s the easiest room to clean because I have the whole process down to a science. A ton of you have emailed me asking how I keep this area so clean. So today I’m sharing all the tools and tips I use and you need to get a clean kitchen fast. If cleaning the kitchen is your least favorite task, let me help!
Basically, I break down my weekly kitchen cleaning into four areas; grid, sink, range/counters and appliances. If you don’t have a metal sink grid, I just reduced your cleaning by a fourth just like that. You’re welcome! 😉 (affiliate links may be used for your convenience)
Metal Sink Grid
I can not express to you how much I love my metal sink bottom grid. When I first installed my farmhouse sink, I didn’t have the grid. After it arrived and was in place, I really wondered how I lived without it. Now, I know some people will boo-hoo them because they say you can’t keep the grid clean and sanitized. You know what I say to that — you can and I do!
Here’s a look at the underneath of my grid. I’m pretty sure we all can agree it’s gross and definitely needs a cleaning.
To get this bad boy clean, I simply grab my hand steamer and sanitize all the grossness away in like ten minutes!
The brush attachment is fantastic for getting into every crevice on both the front and back of the grid.
To show you how easy it is to clean, I stopped half way through the process and snapped a picture. The top half of the grid is still gross, but the bottom half is super clean!
Big difference right?! So that was only ten minutes of cleaning to get a super clean kitchen sink grid. Now that it’s all clean, it’s time to focus on the stainless steel sink.
Stainless Steel Sink
One of the best decisions I made when remodeling our kitchen was to remove our standard kitchen sink and replace it with a farmhouse style. I love the depth and since there’s no divider, I can easily place more in the sink at one time. It’s just great and keeping it clean is a cinch!
The only product I need to keep my stainless steel sink clean is Mrs. Meyer’s baking soda cream cleaner. This cleaner is amazing!
You can see in the below picture how dirty my sink gets on a weekly basis. Lots of grim and dirt.
But after a quick scrub down with the baking soda cream cleaner….
It’s like a brand new sink again that smells lemony fresh! The sink generally only takes me about five minutes or so to clean.
The great thing about this baking soda cleaner is that it not only cleans my sink but it’s a miracle worker on my range too!
Range Top and Counters
Our electric range has a ceramic cook top. After every meal I cook, I clean the top with a quick spray of my favorite Mrs. Meyer’s surface cleaner. I’ve been loving the holiday Pine scent. 🙂
But throughout the week, the top will get theses burnt spots that need more of a deep cleaning to remove.
This is where I like to use my baking soda cream cleaner again. I just dab some cleaner directly on the burnt spot and then scrub with a soft, wet cloth.
This cleaner is perfect for the cook top because it can easily remove those burnt spots but it won’t scratch the fragile ceramic surface. It’s the best way I’ve found to keep my range looking brand new. And since it is fairly new, I want to keep it looking that way for as long as possible! A quick scrub down of the range is about five minutes of my time.
And speaking of appliances, you may have noticed all of mine are stainless steel. So that does require some cleaning as well.
I’ve often heard people don’t like stainless steel appliances because they show all the fingerprints and are impossible to keep clean. But I have found with the right tools, they’re actually really easy to keep clean.
My favorite tools for cleaning appliances are my Weiman Stainless Steel cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Those two items combined keep all of my appliances shiny and clean.
My dishwasher is probably the hardest appliance to keep clean because of the constant wet hands that touch the door. Below you can see all of the water stain streaks that run down the door plus all the fingerprints smudges above the handle.
All I have to do here is a quick spray with a little rub and buff. And instantly the door looks good as new!
All that’s left is a quick vacuum of the floors and that’s how I get a clean kitchen fast! This simple once-a-week maintenance keeps my kitchen really clean and saves me having to spend hours scrubbing once a month. I’ve found the whole process only takes me about 30 minutes from start to finish.
Hopefully I gave you some new tools and tips to help you get a clean kitchen fast. And who knows, maybe just maybe, it might become your favorite room to clean too! 😉
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