Friday’s Fantastic Finds
Welcome to another Friday’s Fantastic Finds — here’s a little roundup of what caught my eye this week!

Fantastic for Spring Days: Tie-Waist Seaside Pants. I’m always on the look out for easy, light-weight comfy pants to wear in the spring and throughout the summer. And my eyes love what I see in these pants! They’re made of a linen blend, come in six colors (the black being my personal favorite) and have over 100+ great reviews! Plus they are on sale for 30% off with code SHOPNOW.
Fantastic for Your Entryway: Faux Green Petal Branch (set of 5). You know I love my real plants but I also don’t shy away from decorating with some faux greenery now and then. 🙂 Pottery Barn always has lovely faux options but I have a hard time spending so much on faux stems. So when I found this set of 5 faux branch stems for almost the same price as one from PB – I was sold! The reviews helped convivence me too. 🙂
Fantastic for Sleeping: Short Pajama Set. One thing I love about spring weather is sleeping with the windows open at night. And this past week we’ve been enjoying the fresh air. But I’ve noticed (waking up hot!) it’s time for me to start shifting away from heavy pjs! I found this cute short pajama set that looks so comfy. Love this gray and the navy color. 🙂
Fantastic for Your Garden: Kitchen Garden Revival. I just got this book a week or so ago. And it’s got me so excited for this summers garden! If you’ve wanted to create a small, plentiful garden for your yard but felt clueless on where to begin – get this book. It’s packed full of information!
Fantastic Dessert for the Weekend: Blueberry Lemon Poppy Seed Custard Cake. Wow. Now, I’ve seen a blueberry lemon poppy seed cake before but never combine with a custard. This looks so amazing!
Fantastic Words of Wisdom: Yes! So stop and take note…

I hope you have a fantastic weekend friend!
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