Cookin’ Up Fun with Some Kitchen Printables


Hi there, it’s been awhile! You may have noticed I wasn’t around much last week. Well, I started installing my subway tile back splash last Sunday and it took me until Tuesday night to get all the tile installed. Then on Thursday I added in the grout. Let me tell you…after all of that I was beat, completely wiped out. Did I also mention last week was the first week back to school ? I know…I’m a crazy lady to combine all that into one week! I do love the new look though even if it was a bit challenging at times. I learned a ton on this DIY project and soon I’ll be sharing a post on all the do’s and don’t to help you.

I’m so happy the subway tile is complete because I’m getting that much closer to finishing this kitchen remodel. Next up is adding some trim to the cabinets and then painting them. That’s going to make a huge difference in this space. I can’t wait! Since all I have is a kitchen on my brain right now…I thought some cute kitchen printables might be fun.

The first one I made is a fact in my kitchen…

the secret ingredient is always cheese

(right click on the image to save to your computer)

Everything tastes better with a little cheese in my opinion. The only place where this rule doesn’t apply is on ice cream. Nope. Don’t do it.

Do I love to cook? Well that depends. If I have a screaming toddler that wants to be held the whole time…then no. I would rather my husband walk in from work at the end of the day with his arms full of take out! 😉 But, no matter what I cook or how fancy I cook….it all comes from love.

cooking is love made edible

(right click on the image to save to your computer)

That’s why everyone in the home should be kissing that cook on a regular basis. Am I right moms?!

And speaking of cooking…I’ve been trying to eat healthier. It’s been tricky to do when I have a broke kitchen but I thought this printable would be a good reminder for me.

you are what you eat

(right click on the image to save to your computer)

I hope these fun kitchen printables end up in your lovely (working 🙂 ) kitchen. As always, to print the images…just right click on the image and save to your computer. Then simply use your own computer printing program to select size and print.

Add a dash of fun to your kitchen with my Cookin' Up Fun Kitchen Printables. Print one or all three, the choice is yours.


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