Fall Simmering Stovetop Stovetop Potpourri Recipe

Instantly make your house smell like fall – the natural way! This fall simmering stovetop potpourri recipe only takes minutes to make, but the fragrance will last throughout your home for hours.

Simmer pots are a natural alternative to using artificial scents, but also when you use real plant-based ingredients, you can get mood-boosting benefits as well! 

What is a simmer pot?


4-5 cups water

2 small apples, sliced

1 navel orange, sliced

4 cinnamon sticks

8 star anise

1 teaspoon whole cloves

splash of vanilla

First, thinly slice your fresh oranges (with orange peels intact) and two small apples. Then toss them into the pot or Dutch oven


Next add in four cinnamon sticks, about eight star anise, some whole cloves and a splash of vanilla. Finally, just fill with water. 


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